Monday, April 16, 2018

Mick Foley Talks 20 Years Of Hell In A Cell! (Nashville)

By: Josh Belcher
Tickets and Info available at:

WWE Hardcore Legend Mick Foley is Coming to Nashville tomorrow Tuesday April 17th to discuss his larger than life Hell in a Cell Match and celebrating "20 Years of Hell" 
Mick Foley may very well be one of the most brilliant entertainers that came out of the world of professional wrestling. Three Time WWE Champion, a member of the WWE Hall of Fame, New York Times Best Selling Author ( to date he has pinned five books) To loving and caring deeply for the traditions of Christmas and is a true ambassador to Santa Clause. He also has braved the world of one man show spoken word  stand up comedy and taken it head on and has shown to be very funny and successful in that genre as well. Whether you are a wrestling fan or not Mick's stories he shares of years of wrestling with so much honesty that it would be virtually impossible for anyone to enjoy them.

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